Post-Pandemic Workplace: 7 Trends You Need to Watch Out For

The Great Resignation Get ready for an action-packed 2022 where employees leave their jobs a dozen a day and employers pull out their hair a hundred a day. With a substantial blow to the job market, everybody around the world is rethinking their career prospects. The U.S. is just a beginning as this resignation wave... Continue Reading →

What are the Recruiters of 21st Century Looking For?

The famed COVID-19 pandemic has rolled over the world and made us sitting ducks in our own homes. Normal day-to-day activities from grocery shopping and office going to movie viewing and mall visits have evolved, perhaps irrevocably. Some things, however, remain the same. People are looking for new and stable job opportunities in this time... Continue Reading →

Teacher’s Day Poem 2021

गणित आया तो उधार करके आएंगे Trigonometry का कुछ सुधार करके आएंगे समझ के बाहर है गुणा-भाग हम तो हर सवाल में कुछ जोड़ के आएंगे हिंदी में वाक्यों का वाक्या है कहानियां भी देखें तो बेजोड़ हैं सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी तो निराला था पर हमें तो पसंद कॉमिक्स-वाला था वर्गमाला बहुत है लंबी मात्राओं में... Continue Reading →

Afghanistan Has Fallen: Who are the Taliban?

Afghanistan is burning. Streets are crowded with armed militants, defecting army personnel, and frightened citizens. A quest for power is going on and provincial capitals are falling one by one. Recent reports claim that President Ashraf Ghani has escaped Kabul and the capital of Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban. People of Afghanistan are running... Continue Reading →

What is a Psychopath?

Psychopath - a word that is equal parts famous and misunderstood. In our society, a person who stands out from the crowd and goes out of his way to revolt against societal norms is referred to as a psychopath or a sociopath. Although these two are entirely different psychological conditions, people use them interchangeably to... Continue Reading →

Corona Poem – मैं काल हूँ

आजकल अलग ही राह पर चल रहा हूँवजह नहीं कोई, अनायास ही चल रहा हूंज़िंदगी और मौत में फ़र्क नहीं कोईसच पूछो तो, एक जिंदा लाश चल रहा हूँ चारों तरफ मौत का सन्नाटा हैछाया है घनघोर अँधेरामौत बरस रही है बादलों सेइन खाली शहरों में बेकल अवाक घूम रहा हूँ दूरदर्शी जब दूर तक... Continue Reading →

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